Learn more about Nextgen Classroom
About us
Vill du kontakta oss?
För allmänna frågor eller funderingar kring hur du kan använda vår plattform på din skola och i din undervisning, mejla info@nextgenclassroom.se
För felanmälan och IT-support, mejla support@nextgenclassroom.se
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This is our international website. To visit the Swedish website, click here.
About Us

The platform is powered by Nextgen Classroom AB, org no. 59435-3137. Based in Sweden, we are a software company dedicated to developing innovative tools for teachers and schools. Our team consists of both educators and software developers working together to enhance the platform.
Want to get in touch?
For general questions or to learn how to implement our platform in your school and teaching, email info@nextgenclassroom.se
For technical support and bug reports, email support@nextgenclassroom.se
Our Platform
Our platform is designed for educators involved in teaching second languages, including traditional language subjects like Spanish, French and German, as well English as a Second Language (ESL).
We provide features, materials, and exercises suitable for middle schools, high schools, and adult education programs. Based on extensive language research, our platform uses advanced software to help teachers and schools effectively and efficiently enhance language development. It’s also perfect for vocational educators looking to improve native language skills and vocabulary in practical settings.
Our vision
Our vision is to streamline teachers' daily routines by offering seamless, automated solutions for everyday tasks. We aim to boost learning by providing faster and more personalized feedback to students through AI. By using our platform, you'll save time, provide quicker feedback, and easily identify trends and learning needs of your students.